How to enter a compound with a previously unrepresented structure.

You are adding a new compound to the table, and the compound does not match to any existing generic or singleton structure. The strategy is to duplicate an existing singleton structure and modify the duplicate to match the new compound.

  1. Using your browser, identify an existing structure in the Table of PPAPs that resembles that of the new compound as much as possible, and note the name of the first compound in the list of compounds associated with this structure. We will call this compound the model compound.
  2. Find and duplicate the ChemDraw document that contains the drawing of the model compound's structure, changing the duplicate's name to the name of the new compound minus the space character.
  3. Open the renamed ChemDraw document.
  4. Modify the structure in the ChemDraw document to the structure of the new compound.
  5. Save the modified ChemDraw document.
  6. Press ⌃⌘–E to save the image of the modified structure in a PNG document with the .png extension.
  7. Save a copy of the PNG file in ../strucs.

  8. Using your Web browser, identify a singleton compound near the location where you want to insert the new compound. Note the name of this compound, which we will call the template compound.
  9. In ../data.js, search for the name of the template compound.
  10. Copy the two-membered array describing the singleton template compound and its associated structure and search terms. The first line in this array always begins with open square bracket, not a tab character. For example:
    [ 	['hyperscabroneB', 'exo', 'A', 'uncaged', 'bicyclononanes'],
    The last line in the array will consist only of ], (unless it is the last array in the file, in which case it will omit the comma).
  11. In ../data.js, search for the name of the model compound.
  12. Move the cursor up two lines and to the beginning of the line, and paste the copied data representing the singleton template compound and its associated structure.
  13. Edit the first line of what you just pasted so it matches the new compound.
    1. Change the first string to the name of the ChemDraw and PNG files (less their extensions).
    2. Add, modify, or delete search terms as appropriate.
  14. Modify the second, third, and fourth members of the five-membered array representing the new compound's name, source, and optical rotation.
  15. Edit the single two-string array representing the reference.
  16. If you wish to relocate the new compound in the Table:
    1. Select and cut the two-membered array describing your new compound and its associated structure.
    2. Paste the two-membered array before or after the existing two-membered array next to which you want your new compound to be located.
  17. Obtain and save the new compound's MOL representation.
  18. Return to the previous page.