Procedures for adding a new compound to the PPAPs table.

  1. Add the article describing the new compound to the references page.
  2. Determine whether your compound's name is a duplicate of an existing compound's name.
    1. If it is, then add a space character between the two parts of the new compound's name to distinguish its name from the previously existing compound's name.
  3. Use your browser to peruse the Table of PPAPs to find a generic or singleton structure that your compound matches or would match if you replaced one or more instantiated groups (such as Ph or prenyl) in a generic or singleton structure with Rn or Xn groups.
    1. You found such a match.
    2. You did not find such a match. (In general, diastereomers do not match one another and must be associated with distinct generic or singleton structures.)
  4. Verify your work.