We have been constantly adding more resources to our OrganicChemistryData.org/links/ page. Please checkout the page for the complete list.
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Below are a few selected ones that has been added recently:
General resources and Organizations:
- Diversify Chemistry: highlighting the diverse community of chemists, aiming to help symposium organizers, award committees, search committees, etc. identify chemists who might diversify their pool.
- Female Organic Chemists: Female Organic Chemists website and Female Organic Chemists in University Settings (FOCUS) database to highlight women in the field of organic chemistry. FOCUS database contains over 800 scientists representing over 35 countries.
- The Scoopula: A website founded to increase the accessibility of general advice, guidance, and resources for pursuing graduate school in chemistry.
Tools, Info, Lab Techniques:
Courses, Handout, Problem sets: